Natural Life
Monday, May 28, 2007
One Nature
One good place to begin an exploration of the modern totemism of "nature" is with the considered pronouncements of those who would quite literally "make nature their business." A few years ago, the well-known ecologist and "rainforest advocate" Daniel Janzen had this to say about "The Future of Tropical Ecology":
"Engineers build bridges, writers weave words, and biologists are the representatives of the natural world. If biologists want a tropics in which to biologize, they are going to have to buy it with care, energy, effort, strategy, tactics, time, and cash."(6)
What does it mean to be "the representatives of the natural world"? Who would dare claim to represent nature? Why would Janzen place representation alongside building and weaving? And what is the relationship between buying a tropics and representing the natural constituency contained therein?
posted by Admin @ 8:08 AM   0 comments
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Beloved Nature
Beloved, by Toni Morrison, is filled with reoccurring symbolism that adds deeper meaning to the story. Trees are frequently mentioned and function as a symbol of safety to the lives of characters including Denver, Baby Suggs and Paul D. For three characters in Beloved, trees represent safe havens from tragic memories and painful experiences in the characters’ lives.
Denver has a spot consisting of a circle of boxwood trees that form a room isolated from the rest of the world. This spot is called Denver’s emerald closet. Denver is burdened with some problems in her life including Paul D staying at 124, her own lack of social companions, and disappointment in Beloved’s interaction with her family. Denver deals with the pain that she feels from these struggles by escaping into the emerald closet. This circle of boxwoods forms a protective wall around Denver’s private location and within these walls she feels safe from her problems in the real world. Morrison gives insight to the emerald closet with, “Veiled and protected by the green walls, [Denver] felt ripe and clear, and salvation was as easy as a wish”(31). Morrison’s words “protected by the green walls” prove that when Denver is inside the walls of the trees, she is not burden.
posted by Admin @ 12:39 AM   0 comments
Living Naturally

It is not easy to maintain a 300 year old tradition in modern America but Amish Community has proved it that if you believe in nature nothing is impossible. Yes I am talking about the great Amish Community of America. They live in the remote regions of North America. They love nature and try to remain as close as possible to her. Just like few of us in phursatgunj they also hate all modern technologies and as far as possible avoid to use modern gadgets. They don’t use motor car or telephone for their conveyance or communication purposes. And they are most famous for that only.

After 1760 they migrated to Lancaster-Pennsylvania in America from Europe (northern parts of Germany) and settled there. They follow Anabaptist beliefs like other sects who arrived with them in America from Europe; they basically are Mennonites and little other similar kind of people. In those days in Europe Anabaptists, whenever found, were severely persecuted, tortured and killed just like old day pagans. So they left Europe and came to America. Jacob Amman become leader of Anabaptist and founded the Amish sect.

They follow certain set of rules described as ‘Ordnung”. There are no such written rules and that’s why may be they follow it with total faith. Here is a glimpse of their lifestyle:

They never use motor car, horse-buggy is only mode of transport they use and encourage their children to walk as much as possible.
They don’t use electricity and modern electric equipments. They just use oil lamps or gas lamps for their luminance purposes at night.
They don’t send their children to schools, they have their own schools where children learn German, English, History, Math and all other subjects but at free will.
They are farmers and they basically dress like farmers only in all circumstances. They don’t use tractors to plough but only horses are allowed.
They don’t have any churches and they pray at their houses turn by turn. They use it for the purpose of social gathering also.

Only thing I don’t like about them is that they say marriage is lord’s command and they always invariably get married between the age of 22 and 25. I don’t think anything divine is anyhow directly related with the system of marriage.

posted by Admin @ 12:35 AM   0 comments
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